June 7, 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on us all. Senior adults are no exception. Their mental, emotional and cognitive health have been negatively affected because of the loneliness and isolation that result from quarantine measures. The importance of companionship care for seniors has never been more clear.
Seniors Mental Health Can Suffer During The Holidays Holiday celebrations are important events in our lives at any age. Christmas, like other holidays, is chock-full of tradition and memory. But, holiday nostalgia can be a double-edged sword when it comes to senior mental health. On the one hand, the traditions and celebrations can be comforting […]
Most Seniors Want To Age At Home But Feel Anxious About Nights Alone. Research shows that as many as 91% of all seniors here in Ontario want to stay in their home or apartment for as long as possible. Making that happen are people like you — family caregivers who devote time and energy to […]
Help Seniors Enjoy The Winter Safely With These Helpful Tips For many seniors, winter is a long and sometimes lonesome season. Colder temperatures, the increased risk of slips and falls, as well as less opportunity for visits with family and friends because of poor driving conditions often lead to significantly more time being spent indoors. […]
In-home care offers unique benefits and comforts Providing the care and support our ageing family members need is not always possible. The responsibilities of work, home maintenance, and children often leave us without the time to be as present as we would like to be. Likewise, many of us live at a distance from our […]
Seniors have been faced with many challenges due to the Covid-19 virus. As we all know, seniors are especially vulnerable to the Covid-19 virus. The extra care seniors have had to take to minimize their risk of infection has meant living with limited access to resources, comforts, and companionship for the past several months. The […]
Choosing in-home care for your senior parent has many benefits. As our parents and family members age, they often need more care and day-to-day support to maintain a good quality of life. For many of us, providing the care the seniors in our lives need isn’t possible because of responsibilities at work or living at […]
The seniors in your life need your help to maintain a good quality of life while in isolation. As we continue to keep our homes and families safe during this COVID-19 outbreak, it’s important to consider the needs of the seniors in our lives and in our communities. Provincial and local health agencies are taking […]
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