281 First St Unit 4 Collingwood, ON L9Y 1B2, Canada

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Comfort Keepers provides award-winning in-home care for seniors and other adults in need of assistance with daily activities. Our highly trained and dedicated caregivers can help your loved one stay in their home for as long as safely possible—a dream come true for many elders.

Why You Should Take Senior Dental Hygiene Seriously 

Collingwood Senior Health  |  March 16, 2023

Senior Dental Hygiene | Today’s seniors are maintaining more of their natural teeth than elders of earlier generations, which is definitely something to smile about. However, they should keep in mind that dental hygiene isn’t just important for dental health – it can also contribute to other factors such as a balanced diet, as well as influencing conditions like heart trouble, stroke, and diabetes.

As people age, they may find that their oral health begins to suffer. Conditions such as arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke effects and dementia can make brushing and flossing regularly a struggle. Further problems may arise from age-related concerns like dry mouth; this restricts the amount of saliva which aids in cleaning out food particles and preventing acid buildup – data from the Academy of General Dentistry supports this. (www.agd.org)

Dry mouth, an issue that is treatable, can be the result of disease, certain drugs or cancer treatments. Additionally, 95 percent of elderly people experience gum recession which leads to their tooth roots being unprotected and vulnerable to decay – meaning seniors are more prone to cavities than children. Consuming bottled or filtered water rather than tap water can further heighten senior citizens’ risk of dental decay due to the fact that such types of water do not contain fluoride which helps protect against it.

The following Senior Dental Hygiene tips can help maintain good dental health:

  • Floss daily and brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Seniors who have limited dexterity due to medical conditions may consider using an electric toothbrush or having a caregiver assist with oral hygiene practices, the Canadian Dental Association suggests.
  • Alternatives to the above include adapting a manual toothbrush for easier use by inserting the handle into a rubber ball or sponge hair curler or gluing the handle into a bicycle grip. Dental floss holders are also available for those with limited dexterity. Dentists can help you find solutions.
  • Drink fluoridated tap water instead of bottled water to protect against cavities, and see a dentist for fluoride treatments.
  • If dry mouth is a problem, see a dentist. Dentists can prescribe artificial saliva and mouth moisturizers.
  • Visit the dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. Caregivers can assist seniors with scheduling and transportation to their appointments.
  • Eat a balanced diet and limit snacks, particularly those with sugars and starches.

Senior Dental Hygiene: Denture Care

Keep in mind that seniors who wear dentures still need regular professional dental care. Hygiene tips for denture wearers include:

  • Brush full or partial dentures daily with a soft toothbrush or denture cleaning brush and put in water each night. Use a commercially prepared denture powder or paste or baking soda. Brush them inside and out and rinse with cool water.
  • Brush remaining natural teeth and gums—and floss.
  • See a dental professional when there are changes in the way dentures fit.

For more information on dental health, visit the Canadian Dental Association’s website: www.cda-adc.ca/en/oral_health/index.asp.

Comfort Keepers® Georgian Triangle Can Help with Interactive Caregiving™

If you are concerned about the health and well-being of your aging loved ones we can help. Comfort Keepers®’s trained caregivers help provide senior clients with the highest quality of life possible to keep them happy and healthy at home. Our Interactive Caregiving™ provides a system of care that addresses safety, nutrition, mind, body, and activities of daily living (ADLs).

What’s more, our trained caregivers are selected with one specific quality in mind: empathy. Care that is empathetic is care that starts in the heart, and it allows us to meet our client’s exact needs. Learn more about our unique service offering Dementia Care and Palliative Care by contacting the Comfort Keepers Georgian Triangle office.

Comfort Keepers Georgian Triangle, is pleased to announce that we are a recipient of Accreditation Canada’s, Accreditation Primer Award. Accreditation is an intensive process in which an organization’s processes, policies, and procedures are examined by industry experts against a set of quality standards. To achieve accredited status, Comfort Keepers offices met or exceeded the rigorous standards for Home Care companies, as defined by Accreditation Canada. 

If you live in the Collingwood, Midland, Owen Sound area, contact Comfort Keepers at (705) 293-5553, or email us at georgiantriangle@comfortkeepers.ca. Comfort Keepers Georgian Triangle is here to help you and your loved ones get the best care possible.

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