Healthy Eating for Seniors: Simply and on a Budget

Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. For seniors, it may be particularly difficult for two reasons: they may have physical limitations that prevent them from preparing food regularly and they may believe they cannot afford to.

Alcohol Consumption in Seniors: A Delicate Balance

Numerous studies on the effects of alcohol consumption in seniors indicate that moderate drinking by seniors can have a positive impact on general health. However, there is also a concern that heavy drinking can have adverse effects, and that alcohol abuse is often missed in the senior population.

In-Home Care for Successful Recovery at Home

Changes in healthcare and advances in medicine have created a situation where patients are discharged from the hospital much sooner than previously. While the patients may be medically fit to return home, they are often not mentally and emotionally prepared for the in-home recovery process. Offering the appropriate support at home, however, can give patients a feeling of security and increase their chances of a successful recovery.

Help Seniors with Dementia Stay Engaged with Activities

In the early stages of dementia, many seniors show less interest in what were once their favorite activities, and that can be hard on family and loved ones who want to help them. Routine activity, as long as it is carefully planned, can enrich the lives of those affected by dementia and support them in many ways .

Food Safety for Seniors: Avoiding Illness Through Proper Handling and Storage

Food poisoning is especially detrimental to seniors, causing them to be sicker longer with more acute symptoms. As people age, their immune systems slow down and are not as effective in combating illnesses. For these reasons, it is critical that seniors and their caretakers are able to immediately identify the symptoms of food poisoning and seek proper medical care and treatment. It is equally important, or more so, that they follow safe food preparation and handling methods.

Seniors: Be on Guard This Cold and Flu Season

The Center for Disease Control reports that each year more than 200,000 people across North America will be hospitalized due to seasonal flu and its complications such as pneumonia—and 36,000 of them will die. Seniors make up the majority of these numbers. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that everyone be vaccinated for the seasonal flu virus as well as H1N1.