Seniors: What to Pack (and Not to Pack) for the Hospital

Well-planned packing helps make vacations more enjoyable. Likewise, what you pack for your own or a loved one’s admission to the hospital can make for a smoother, less stressful experience. The following is a review of necessities for a hospital packing list, as well as items that can make a hospital stay more comfortable—plus those things that are best left at home.

Seniors: Warm Up And Stretch Your Way to a Longer, Healthier Life

Studies show that physical activity slows the aging process and increases seniors’ life span. The positive health effects of exercise for seniors and elders go deep, down to the cellular level. To reap these benefits for as long as possible active seniors should adopt a routine that gently prepares their body for the increased demand of an activity or exercise. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) explains that a good warm-up prepares a person’s body for more intense activity.

Ways for Seniors and Elders to Remain Socially Connected

Keeping the minds and social connections of our senior loved ones active is every bit as important to as caring for their physical wellbeing. Senior citizens don’t have to slow down or stop feeling young at heart just because they are older. As a caregiver, there are many fun, low cost and even free activities you can help your senior get involved with so that he or she can enjoy being socially engaged all year round.

Keeping Seniors with Alzheimer’s Safe Room-by-Room

Ensuring that your senior loved one remains as self-sufficient as possible, and yet safe around the house requires a delicate balance. For those caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, that challenge increases ten-fold. Caregivers providing care for someone with Alzheimer’s must be diligent about identifying potential dangers in the home.